About Us

The Global Trust was registered on 23/02/1996 under The Trust Act. We are a group of people passionate about the idea of “The Whole World as a Global Village”. We have spread our reach worldwide and passionately working to achieve our vision!



Our concept is the global citizen’s participation in the decision making process for living a sustainable life on the planet Earth without any discriminations of geographic location, income, race and religion.


Vision and Mission

Our vision and mission is to transform the imagination of the world without border into reality by rising and spreading the voice to all the nations for work as a confederation of the states with earth parliament as a centre.


Our Home Work

We already have plenty of collection of online literature, methodology and supporters of our concept. We have the platform to spread our message that boosts our confidence to initiate steps in that direction.



"My aim is friendship with entire universe. There is no limit to services which we can offer to our neighbors beyond State decided boundaries. God never created any boundaries. I would not like to live in that universe which is ultimately not going to be united."


News and Events


Mr. Deepak Vyas’s lecture during International Round Table Conference at Pune

An Interview of Mr Deepak Vyas on Borderless Global Democracy

Key note speech delivered by Mr Deepak Vyas on Global democracy at World Peace March, Madrid, Spain, 2020